
首页业内动态 业内资讯 → 4.2越狱解锁都不是问题 神奇小子漏洞+pwnage2漏洞+pod2G漏洞将实现全部越狱解锁!

4.2越狱解锁都不是问题 神奇小子漏洞+pwnage2漏洞+pod2G漏洞将实现全部越狱解锁!

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作者:佚名点击:119次评论:0次标签: 越狱 iOS

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dev team更新了官方博客,4.2越狱不是问题,3gs解锁不是问题,最后一道坎iphone 4 2.10基带也即将攻破

- 神奇小子漏洞+pwnage2漏洞+pod2G漏洞,任何iOS版本任何设备都绝对能越狱!
- 3g/3gs解锁即将放出,请远离官方IPSW
- ip4解锁:sherif_hashim找到了些比较可靠的方法,将会尽快在4.2的疯狂后披露

消息来源于dev team官方博客,http://blog.iphone-dev.org/,也是该小组第一次放出2.10解锁的消息,具体时间没有说,但估计不会太久了。

By all accounts, we’re within a few days of Apple’s official public release of Firmware 4.2. Here’s what you need to know:

* Thanks to geohot’s limera1n exploit, and our original pwnage2 exploit, and @pod2g’s ipod2g-MC exploit, absolutely all devices at all iOS firmware versions are capable of being jailbroken.
* The untethered jailbreak of those very latest FWs and latest devices depends on @comex hacks. His hacks so far extend only to 4.1 and 4.2beta3. He’s working on a way to extend it to 4.2 and beyond. Just wait for him to work out his method.
* iPhone 3G and 3GS unlockers will be covered by our upcoming unlock. Stay away from any updates to Apple FW until our official release and you’ll be okay. Just stay away from all Apple IPSWs :)
* iPhone4 unlockers are not left out in the cold. @sherif_hashim has found some very promising avenues to pursue. Those will be explored as soon as possible after all the 4.2 madness.

What does this mean to you?

* If you’re an unlocker, just stay where you are. Please, just stay where you are. Any mistakes you make now may be permanent.
* If you only care about the jailbreak and you’re absolutely sure you have your personalized 4.1 SHSH hashes, feel free to experiment but keep in mind that any mistakes you make may result in your losing pictures or notes or bookmarks that you’d rather keep. Honestly unless you love living on the bleeding edge, it’s better to just wait for official updates from Cydia/redsn0w/PwnageTool.
* Don’t buy or donate to any unlock or jailbreak scammers. Every legitimate solution you will find for unlocks or jailbreaks will be offered without an extended hand. That’s how the iPhone jailbreak/unlock community has succeeded. It’s about freedom to do what you want with your $300 device — not about donations, egos, tweets, or “interviews.”


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