
首页编程开发其它知识 → 用go语言写的递归程序代码实例


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  1 package main
  3 import (
  4     "fmt"
  5 )
  7 var N int = 9
  8 var moves int = 0
10 type Node struct {
11     V int        // number of stones the node keep
12     Feel int    // number of stones the tree have, can be positive or negative
13     L *Node        // left child
14     R *Node        // right child
15 }
17 func (node *Node) String() string {
18     return fmt.Sprintf("{%d|%d}", node.V, node.Feel)
19 }
21 /**
22     what the mokced tree seems like:
23      0|1
24     / \
25    1|3 2|1
26   / \   \
27  3|0 4|1 5|0
28   \     / \
29    6|1 7|0 8|2
30 */
31 func mock() *Node {
32     // make new nodes
33     nodes := make([]*Node, N)
34     nodes[0] = &Node{1,0,nil,nil}
35     nodes[1] = &Node{3,0,nil,nil}
36     nodes[2] = &Node{1,0,nil,nil}
37     nodes[3] = &Node{0,0,nil,nil}
38     nodes[4] = &Node{1,0,nil,nil}
39     nodes[5] = &Node{0,0,nil,nil}
40     nodes[6] = &Node{1,0,nil,nil}
41     nodes[7] = &Node{0,0,nil,nil}
42     nodes[8] = &Node{2,0,nil,nil}
44     // construct tree   
45     nodes[0].L, nodes[0].R = nodes[1], nodes[2]
46     nodes[1].L, nodes[1].R = nodes[3], nodes[4]   
47     nodes[2].L, nodes[2].R = nil, nodes[5]
48     nodes[3].L, nodes[3].R = nil, nodes[6]
49     nodes[4].L, nodes[4].R = nil, nil
50     nodes[5].L, nodes[5].R = nodes[7], nodes[8]
51     nodes[6].L, nodes[6].R = nil, nil
52     nodes[7].L, nodes[7].R = nil, nil
53     nodes[8].L, nodes[8].R = nil, nil
54     return nodes[0]
55 }
57 /**
58  move stones between root, root.L, root.R, recursively.
59 */
60 func move(root *Node) {
61     moves = 0
62     print("init", root)
63     count(root)
64     print("after count", root)
65     collect(root)
66     print("after collect", root)
67     welfare(root)
68     print("after welfare, finally got", root)
69     fmt.Println("all stone moves: ", moves)
70 }
72 /**
73  count feel of stones and number of nodes of root.
74 */
75 func count(root *Node) (feel int) {
76     if root == nil {
77         return 0
78     }
79     feelL := count(root.L)
80     feelR := count(root.R)
81     root.Feel = feelL + feelR + root.V - 1
82     return root.Feel
83 }
85 /**
86   collect redundant stones up from rich child(ren)
87 */
88 func collect(root *Node) {
89     if root == nil {
90         return
91     }
92     collect(root.L)
93     collect(root.R)
94     if root.L != nil && root.L.Feel > 0 {
95         // todo: number of stones to collect
96         todo := root.L.Feel
97         moves += todo
98         // move upward
99         root.V += todo
100         root.L.Feel = 0
101         root.L.V -= todo
102     }
103     if root.R != nil && root.R.Feel > 0 {
104         todo := root.R.Feel
105         moves += todo
106         root.V += todo
107         root.R.Feel = 0
108         root.R.V -= todo
109     }
110 }
112 /**
113   dispatch all stones collected to poor child(ren)
114 */
115 func welfare(root *Node) {
116     if root == nil {
117         return
118     }
119     if root.L != nil && root.L.Feel < 0 {
120         todo := -root.L.Feel
121         root.L.Feel = 0
122         root.L.V += todo
123         root.Feel = 0
124         root.V -= todo
125         moves += todo
126     }
127     if root.R != nil && root.R.Feel < 0 {
128         todo := -root.R.Feel
129         root.R.Feel = 0
130         root.R.V += todo
131         root.Feel = 0
132         root.V -= todo
133         moves += todo
134     }
135     welfare(root.L)
136     welfare(root.R)
137 }
139 /**
140  bfs print using chan as queue
141 */
142 func print(title string, root *Node) {
143     fmt.Println("==========| ", title, " |==========");
144     queue := make(chan *Node, N)
145     queue <- root
146     i := 0
147     for node := range queue {
148         fmt.Print(node, "; ")
149         if node.L != nil {
150             queue <- node.L
151         }
152         if node.R != nil {
153             queue <- node.R
154         }
155         if i += 1; i == N {
156             close(queue)
157             break
158         }
159     }
160     fmt.Println()
161 }
163 func main() {
164     move(mock())
165 }




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